prijatelji - friends
Dragi prijatelji,
vabim vas, da z nami delite svoje fotografije z vašimi posebnimi brati ali sestrami, prijatelji ali sorodniki.
Do konca leta bomo zbirali vaše skupne trenutke na fotografijah in v prvem tednu januarja 2022 bomo izžrebali tri nagrajence, ki bodo prejeli majice Zavoda 13.
Naložite lahko eno fotografijo naenkrat. Fotografija naj bo v formatu jpg ali png in velika največ 2 Mb.
Pobrskajte po svojih mobilnih telefonih in z nami delite vaše posebne trenutke! Vaše fotografije bomo hkrati z vašim imenom objavili na tej spletni strani.
Petra Greiner
Dear friends,
I invite you to share your photos with us with your special siblings, friends, or relatives.
By the end of the year, we will be collecting your shared moments in photos, and in the first week of January 2022, we will draw three winners who will receive T-shirts from Zavod 13.
You can upload one photo at a time. It should be in the jpg or png format and a maximum size of 2 Mb.
Browse your mobile phones and share your special moments with us! We will publish your photos on this website at the same time as your name and surname.
Petra Greiner